Native advertising the most mysterious and sophisticated form of marketing efforts

Native advertising – the most mysterious and sophisticated form of marketing activities

Advertising industry to work effectively must be a vigilant and flexible field. The creators of campaigns constantly observe social processes, analysing the psychophysiology of seeing, current needs of the recipients and directions of development of a particular industry. The eye of commercial message creators follows the audience’s attention, trying to be one step ahead of it.

There are many forms of advertising today, both overt and covert, the use of which is determined by the characteristics of the product. Guerrilla marketing, ambient advertising, viral advertising, buzz marketing, storytelling, social media marketing etc. Among them, native advertising seems to be the most interesting.

The most mysterious, the most sophisticated. Desired by investors, well received by potential customers. Gentle for the recipient and at the same time very effective. Requires accurate identification of customer needs, flexibility, professionalism, knowledge and imagination.

It is characterized by conveying content in a subtle, non-invasive way. Native advertising makes the recipient interested in valuable content he or she is looking for. In the offline area, it fits into the fabric of the city of information or lifestyle messages. Operates with data, market research or expert analysis. Fits very precisely into the recipient’s interests. Remains unrecognized as a form of marketing activity, but well received as an interesting, professional message. Its specificity lies between content marketing and sponsored articles, placed on appropriately tailored portals.

Native advertising was created to encourage user engagement and interest. The most popular formats of native advertising are:

– current editorial formats;

The advantages of native advertising activities are first of all:

– Strengthens the image of the brand, which in native advertising acts as e.g. expert, authority, advisor;

– subconscious involvement of recipients;

– Generates purchase intent – higher sales results than with digital display;

– building awareness and buzz;

– stimulating whisper marketing.

From analyses of the current state of the advertising market, we can conclude that native advertising is the future of effective advertising. The native message is resistant to the problems faced by advertisers today, such as: the decline of trust in advertising in a broad aspect, viewer irritation, the phenomenon of banner blindness. banner blindness), the use of applications such as AdBlock (tools of this type are already used by approx. 30% of Internet users).

Adapts to changes in content consumption and gives the viewer a breather, engaging with the brand on a whole new level. This is known as “soft selling”. It focuses on solving problems, presenting content that suggests how to optimize certain activities or save resources.

Native advertising achieves a much higher click-through rate when combined with contextual matching, and therefore generates more valuable traffic than traditional display advertising.

The Open Mobi platform focuses on the implementation of innovative advertising campaigns. Native advertising belongs to the offered proposals of communication with the client. A team of specialists precisely tailors the advertising message to the client’s needs. With a number of highly successful native campaigns in place, the Open Mobi platform is at the forefront of creating an engaging and relevant form of native advertising.

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